8-10-09 Power Hour
Tonight's Power Hour was ND talk. I revealed my Top 10 things ND has to do to have a successful season.
Power Hour
Power Hour
Notre Dame Power Hour, formerly Irish Sports Daily Power Hour, is a weekly hour-long show featuring talk about Notre Dame football, Notre Dame recruiting, Notre Dame basketball, and all Notre Dame sports. We have interviews with all kinds of experts, former players and Notre Dame recruiting prospects. This radio show is a product of IrishSportsDaily.com. Your source for Notre Dame football and Notre Dame sports coverage.
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Weis seemed to elude to the predictability of the playcalling and the way that Haywood set the offense. Specifically, he mentioned the Haywood would have set plays for each formation while Weis likes to creates a set of plays that can run out of any formation because the kids can get good at those basic plays and it keeps the defense on their toes because it can run out of any formation. Can you give your thoughts about that via post or on your next show. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
Chicago, IL
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